Soon will be my 4th year to have been started meal prep!

3 years ago… Had been very busy with my job.

I think meal prep had been coming trend at that time. I just feel to try to do because I like trends.

Since I like cooking, I do not mind to make meal prep at all.

And I could feel great after finish cooking.

My first meal prep are 6 recipe in total.

But now I set my goal to make 13 recipe at least on every Saturday or Sunday.

I can have meal together with my family on weekdays to keep on making meal prep.

I try to think the menu well balanced and when I use some vegetable my family are not good at, I change from one menu to two menus for every family member like.

Anyway I want to have meal together with my family everyday.

I used to have no time to have meal together.Because I was too busy to make meal.But now I can have meal together even if I do not make on weekdays.

You can enjoy having meal if some tip can be got.

My hope is making people the time to have meal. Joyful meal.

It is my pleasure if my meal prep help you.

Here are my first meal prep.(Too much Brown…)

But now

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